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The Inspirations Behind Street's Craft Creations Jewellery

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Where do you get your inspiration for your handmade jewellery?

A question I am often asked, and honestly, it varies. There is no one answer for me. For the most part, the world around me, architecture, and nature, something that caught my eye such as a specific gemstone. Anything I feel drawn to, I just go with my feelings. I then create my ready-to-ship collections around this.

If it is a bespoke piece for you I am working on, I will ask for as much detail as possible, favourite colours, if you like bold statement pieces or prefer dainty and delicate. Whether the piece is for a special occasion such as a wedding this of course would be taken into account for the design. Also ask your dislikes too, after all, it is important that your jewellery really calls to you and makes you feel amazing!

You can find out more about my bespoke work here.

Pearl Wedding Anniversary necklace, a bespoke creation by Streets Craft Creations


The Umbrella Mini Collection  -  Inspired by the unusual.

I know at first look the name seems rather random, however, it was one of those moments I was just drawn to. A recent trip to one of my favourite places, Camden Market in London, home to an eclectic mix of shops, bars and The Cheese Bar (if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you will know how much I love that place!) 

In the market, there is this umbrella canopy and those colours just instantly pulled me in. I snapped this picture to save in my inspirations folder. From there I created a limited edition mini collection. Using bright gemstones (Amethyst, Pink Tourmaline, Lemon Quartz, Sunstone and Moonstone) and circular silky sterling silver links.

The Umbrella Canopy at Camden Market - Streets Craft Creations   Limited Edition Umbrella Mini Collection by Streets Craft Creations


This collection just shouts summer, the way the gemstones glisten in the sunshine, the playful nature of the shapes. Jewellery is meant to bring joy and fun, this collection envelopes just that. 

If you are a fun-loving jewellery wearer and would love a little slice of the limited edition collection you can check out the collection here.

So I guess in a nutshell I am a bit of a free spirit when it comes to my jewellery designing and creating. I love to keep an open mind and therefore I can create some beautiful jewellery that holds meaning for you. Afterall we are all wonderfully unique and so should our jewellery be. 

Shell x


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